
Alfa Distributions International Pty Ltd take great pride and care in direct and indirectly the preparation of its products. It is our policy to ensure that all products are prepared following our high standards and in accordance of our QC (QUALITY control). That is why Alfa offers a money back GUARANTEE on all its brands & products.
Alfa has implemented a QUALITY program that sees the production of products prepared and delivered by Alfa Distributions International Pty Ltd are safe and of the HIGHEST QUALITY. GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) principals are also implemented to ensure a high level of hygiene and housekeeping is maintained at all times.
A regular monitoring of our manufacturing sites, locally & offshore to ensure our products are maintained at the highest levels.

Alfa Distributions International Pty Ltd maintains their Food Safety and Quality Program and premises in accordance with all legislative requirements as described in the Food Act and the requirements set by the NSW Food Authority, FDA and HACCP. We continuously seek to improve our operation through training our employees, updating our suppliers and attending food and safety seminars and revisiting our systems & procedures, as well as continuously testing & sampling our products. We also continuously test & sample all competitive products to ensure we provide the very BEST.
The management and staff of Alfa Distributions International Pty Ltd fully support our values and follow its points of cultures, and are fully committed to food safety and QUALITY, with always the consumers in mind.!